
How much does a heat pump system cost?

Written by Ben Hodges

Vaillant air source heat pump

How much does a heat pump cost – a common question that our customers ask. 

My response; that depends on how much heat do you need…Well, I have a 3-bedroom house….or I am building/renovating a 3 bedroom house… You get the idea. The reality is that as homeowners or self-builders, most of us don’t really know.  

  • Manufacturers want to sell you the box or software they make 
  • Installers want to install what they have experience in fitting 
  • Utility companies want to sign you up to their latest tariff 

As consumers, we are left with a bewildering choice of potential options and caught in a catch 22 situation – customers wanting advice and suppliers wanting to provide a solution.   

Without being able to quantify your heat and hot water requirement how can you possibly get the best advice to decide on what you should do, and how can a supplier provide the best solution for your long term energy needs?

To break this deadlock, a detailed heat loss calculation needs to be produced. Investing a small amount of time and money now, will help you invest in the right heating system today, giving you all the heat and hot water you need, at the best price tomorrow. 

This is why we at Abode recommend that this is your starting point. Once you have an “energy specification” you can then have an informed dialogue with potential suppliers on how they can best meet your specification. 

Take control of your future energy needs and contact us now to arrange your report:

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  • "You were the most expensive of the quotes we received, but certainly the most comprehensive, and you certainly gave us the most confidence in terms of the required works and some cost certainty. We have been really happy with everything and are loving having decent hot water and heating!"

    Michael and Trish Hawes, Cornwall
  • "I was admiring Luke’s welding on the pipes last night. I’m in love with the massive heavy box (SunAmp Heat Battery Storage) and it doesn’t even do anything yet!"

    “I thought you would be interested to know we only turned the boiler on this week for heating. Hot water had been from the Sunamp heat battery since you installed it. Well chuffed with it. Let me know when you know more about the new Valliant air source heat pump.”

    Dr Andy Chapman, Cornwall
  • "Thanks for organising everything. Luke was great."

    Mandy Lindsay, Cornwall
  • "Thank you again for your kind help and excellent co-ordination of this project."

    Brian L Hunt, Cornwall